RT-Thread RTOS  1.2.0
An open source embedded real-time operating system
Inter-Thread Communication
+ Collaboration diagram for Inter-Thread Communication:



Data Structures

struct  rt_ipc_object


#define RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO   0x00
#define RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO   0x01
#define RT_IPC_CMD_UNKNOWN   0x00
#define RT_IPC_CMD_RESET   0x01
#define RT_IPC_CMD_GET_STATE   0x02
#define RT_IPC_CMD_SET_VLIMIT   0x03
#define RT_WAITING_NO   0


rt_inline rt_err_t _ipc_object_init (struct rt_ipc_object *ipc)
struct rt_threadrt_susp_list_dequeue (rt_list_t *susp_list, rt_err_t thread_error)
rt_err_t rt_susp_list_resume_all (rt_list_t *susp_list, rt_err_t thread_error)
rt_err_t rt_susp_list_resume_all_irq (rt_list_t *susp_list, rt_err_t thread_error, struct rt_spinlock *lock)
rt_err_t rt_susp_list_enqueue (rt_list_t *susp_list, rt_thread_t thread, int ipc_flags)
void rt_susp_list_print (rt_list_t *list)
rt_err_t rt_thread_suspend_to_list (rt_thread_t thread, rt_list_t *susp_list, int ipc_flags, int suspend_flag)
void rt_thread_defunct_enqueue (rt_thread_t thread)
rt_thread_t rt_thread_defunct_dequeue (void)
void rt_spin_lock_init (struct rt_spinlock *lock)
void rt_spin_lock (struct rt_spinlock *lock)
void rt_spin_unlock (struct rt_spinlock *lock)
rt_base_t rt_spin_lock_irqsave (struct rt_spinlock *lock)
void rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore (struct rt_spinlock *lock, rt_base_t level)

Detailed Description

inter-thread communication

RT-Thread operating system supports the traditional semaphore and mutex.

Moreover, the blocked queue for thread to obtain semaphore or mutex can be sorted by priority or FIFO. There are two flags to indicate this mechanism.

RT-Thread operating systems supports event/fast event, mail box and message queue.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO   0x00

IPC flags and control command definitions FIFOed IPC. Inter-Thread Communication.


#define RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO   0x01


#define RT_IPC_CMD_UNKNOWN   0x00

unknown IPC command


#define RT_IPC_CMD_RESET   0x01

reset IPC object


#define RT_IPC_CMD_GET_STATE   0x02

get the state of IPC object


#define RT_IPC_CMD_SET_VLIMIT   0x03

set max limit value of IPC value



Block forever until get resource.


#define RT_WAITING_NO   0


Function Documentation

◆ _ipc_object_init()

rt_inline rt_err_t _ipc_object_init ( struct rt_ipc_object ipc)

This function will initialize an IPC object, such as semaphore, mutex, messagequeue and mailbox.

Executing this function will complete an initialization of the suspend thread list of the ipc object.
ipcis a pointer to the IPC object.
Return the operation status. When the return value is RT_EOK, the initialization is successful. When the return value is any other values, it means the initialization failed.
This function can be called from all IPC initialization and creation.

◆ rt_susp_list_dequeue()

struct rt_thread * rt_susp_list_dequeue ( rt_list_t susp_list,
rt_err_t  thread_error 

Dequeue a thread from suspended list and set it to ready. The 2 are taken as an atomic operation, so if a thread is returned, it's resumed by us, not any other threads or async events. This is useful if a consumer may be resumed by timeout, signals... besides its producer.

susp_listthe list thread dequeued from. RT_NULL if no list.
thread_errorthread error number of the resuming thread. A negative value in this set will be discarded, and thread error will not be changed.
struct rt_thread * RT_NULL if failed, otherwise the thread resumed

◆ rt_susp_list_resume_all()

rt_err_t rt_susp_list_resume_all ( rt_list_t susp_list,
rt_err_t  thread_error 

This function will resume all suspended threads in the IPC object list, including the suspended list of IPC object, and private list of mailbox etc.

This function will resume all threads in the IPC object list. By contrast, the rt_ipc_list_resume() function will resume a suspended thread in the list of a IPC object.
susp_listis a pointer to a suspended thread list of the IPC object.
thread_errorthread error number of the resuming thread. A negative value in this set will be discarded, and thread error will not be changed.
Return the operation status. When the return value is RT_EOK, the function is successfully executed. When the return value is any other values, it means this operation failed.

◆ rt_susp_list_resume_all_irq()

rt_err_t rt_susp_list_resume_all_irq ( rt_list_t susp_list,
rt_err_t  thread_error,
struct rt_spinlock lock 

This function will resume all suspended threads in the IPC object list, including the suspended list of IPC object, and private list of mailbox etc. A lock is passing and hold while operating.

This function will resume all threads in the IPC object list. By contrast, the rt_ipc_list_resume() function will resume a suspended thread in the list of a IPC object.
susp_listis a pointer to a suspended thread list of the IPC object.
thread_errorthread error number of the resuming thread. A negative value in this set will be discarded, and thread error will not be changed.
lockthe lock to be held while operating susp_list
Return the operation status. When the return value is RT_EOK, the function is successfully executed. When the return value is any other values, it means this operation failed.

◆ rt_susp_list_enqueue()

rt_err_t rt_susp_list_enqueue ( rt_list_t susp_list,
rt_thread_t  thread,
int  ipc_flags 

Add a thread to the suspend list.

Caller must hold the scheduler lock
susp_listthe list thread enqueued to
threadthe suspended thread
ipc_flagsthe pattern of suspend list
RT_EOK on succeed, otherwise a failure

◆ rt_susp_list_print()

void rt_susp_list_print ( rt_list_t list)

Print thread on suspend list to system console.

Suspend list - A basic building block for IPC primitives which interacts with scheduler directly. Its API is similar to a FIFO list.

Note: don't use in application codes directly

◆ rt_thread_suspend_to_list()

rt_err_t rt_thread_suspend_to_list ( rt_thread_t  thread,
rt_list_t susp_list,
int  ipc_flags,
int  suspend_flag 

This function will suspend the specified thread and change it to suspend state.

This function ONLY can suspend current thread itself. rt_thread_suspend(rt_thread_self());

Do not use the rt_thread_suspend to suspend other threads. You have no way of knowing what code a thread is executing when you suspend it. If you suspend a thread while sharing a resouce with other threads and occupying this resouce, starvation can occur very easily.

threadthe thread to be suspended.
susp_listthe list thread enqueued to. RT_NULL if no list.
ipc_flagsis a flag for the thread object to be suspended. It determines how the thread is suspended. The flag can be ONE of the following values: RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO The pending threads will queue in order of priority. RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO The pending threads will queue in the first-in-first-out method (also known as first-come-first-served (FCFS) scheduling strategy). NOTE: RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO is a non-real-time scheduling mode. It is strongly recommended to use RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO to ensure the thread is real-time UNLESS your applications concern about the first-in-first-out principle, and you clearly understand that all threads involved in this semaphore will become non-real-time threads.
suspend_flagstatus flag of the thread to be suspended.
Return the operation status. If the return value is RT_EOK, the function is successfully executed. If the return value is any other values, it means this operation failed.

enqueue thread on the push list before leaving critical region of scheduler, so we won't miss notification of async events.

◆ rt_thread_defunct_enqueue()

void rt_thread_defunct_enqueue ( rt_thread_t  thread)

Enqueue a thread to defunct queue.

threadthe thread to be enqueued.
It must be called between rt_hw_interrupt_disable and rt_hw_interrupt_enable

◆ rt_thread_defunct_dequeue()

rt_thread_t rt_thread_defunct_dequeue ( void  )

Dequeue a thread from defunct queue.

◆ rt_spin_lock_init()

void rt_spin_lock_init ( struct rt_spinlock lock)

Initialize a static spinlock object.

lockis a pointer to the spinlock to initialize.

◆ rt_spin_lock()

void rt_spin_lock ( struct rt_spinlock lock)

This function will lock the spinlock, will lock the thread scheduler.

If the spinlock is locked, the current CPU will keep polling the spinlock state until the spinlock is unlocked.
lockis a pointer to the spinlock.

◆ rt_spin_unlock()

void rt_spin_unlock ( struct rt_spinlock lock)

This function will unlock the spinlock, will unlock the thread scheduler.

lockis a pointer to the spinlock.

◆ rt_spin_lock_irqsave()

rt_base_t rt_spin_lock_irqsave ( struct rt_spinlock lock)

This function will disable the local interrupt and then lock the spinlock, will lock the thread scheduler.

If the spinlock is locked, the current CPU will keep polling the spinlock state until the spinlock is unlocked.
lockis a pointer to the spinlock.
Return current cpu interrupt status.

◆ rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore()

void rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore ( struct rt_spinlock lock,
rt_base_t  level 

This function will unlock the spinlock and then restore current cpu interrupt status, will unlock the thread scheduler.

lockis a pointer to the spinlock.
levelis interrupt status returned by rt_spin_lock_irqsave().