RT-Thread RTOS
An open source embedded real-time operating system
No Matches
+ Collaboration diagram for SPI:

Data Structures

struct  rt_spi_message
struct  rt_spi_configuration
struct  rt_spi_bus
struct  rt_spi_ops
struct  rt_spi_device
struct  rt_qspi_message
struct  rt_qspi_configuration
struct  rt_qspi_device


#define RT_SPI_CPHA   (1<<0)
#define RT_SPI_CPOL   (1<<1)
#define RT_SPI_LSB   (0<<2)
#define RT_SPI_MSB   (1<<2)
#define RT_SPI_MASTER   (0<<3)
#define RT_SPI_SLAVE   (1<<3)
#define RT_SPI_CS_HIGH   (1<<4)
#define RT_SPI_NO_CS   (1<<5)
#define RT_SPI_3WIRE   (1<<6)
#define RT_SPI_READY   (1<<7)
#define RT_SPI_MODE_0   (0 | 0)
#define RT_SPI_MODE_1   (0 | RT_SPI_CPHA)
#define RT_SPI_MODE_2   (RT_SPI_CPOL | 0)


rt_err_t rt_spi_bus_register (struct rt_spi_bus *bus, const char *name, const struct rt_spi_ops *ops)
rt_err_t rt_spi_bus_attach_device (struct rt_spi_device *device, const char *name, const char *bus_name, void *user_data)
rt_err_t rt_spi_bus_attach_device_cspin (struct rt_spi_device *device, const char *name, const char *bus_name, rt_base_t cs_pin, void *user_data)
rt_err_t rt_spi_bus_configure (struct rt_spi_device *device)
rt_err_t rt_spi_take_bus (struct rt_spi_device *device)
rt_err_t rt_spi_release_bus (struct rt_spi_device *device)
rt_err_t rt_spi_take (struct rt_spi_device *device)
rt_err_t rt_spi_release (struct rt_spi_device *device)
rt_err_t rt_spi_configure (struct rt_spi_device *device, struct rt_spi_configuration *cfg)
rt_err_t rt_spi_send_then_recv (struct rt_spi_device *device, const void *send_buf, rt_size_t send_length, void *recv_buf, rt_size_t recv_length)
rt_err_t rt_spi_send_then_send (struct rt_spi_device *device, const void *send_buf1, rt_size_t send_length1, const void *send_buf2, rt_size_t send_length2)
rt_ssize_t rt_spi_transfer (struct rt_spi_device *device, const void *send_buf, void *recv_buf, rt_size_t length)
rt_err_t rt_spi_sendrecv8 (struct rt_spi_device *device, rt_uint8_t senddata, rt_uint8_t *recvdata)
rt_err_t rt_spi_sendrecv16 (struct rt_spi_device *device, rt_uint16_t senddata, rt_uint16_t *recvdata)
struct rt_spi_messagert_spi_transfer_message (struct rt_spi_device *device, struct rt_spi_message *message)
rt_inline rt_size_t rt_spi_recv (struct rt_spi_device *device, void *recv_buf, rt_size_t length)
rt_inline rt_size_t rt_spi_send (struct rt_spi_device *device, const void *send_buf, rt_size_t length)
rt_inline void rt_spi_message_append (struct rt_spi_message *list, struct rt_spi_message *message)
rt_err_t rt_qspi_configure (struct rt_qspi_device *device, struct rt_qspi_configuration *cfg)
rt_err_t rt_qspi_bus_register (struct rt_spi_bus *bus, const char *name, const struct rt_spi_ops *ops)
rt_size_t rt_qspi_transfer_message (struct rt_qspi_device *device, struct rt_qspi_message *message)
rt_err_t rt_qspi_send_then_recv (struct rt_qspi_device *device, const void *send_buf, rt_size_t send_length, void *recv_buf, rt_size_t recv_length)
rt_err_t rt_qspi_send (struct rt_qspi_device *device, const void *send_buf, rt_size_t length)

Detailed Description

SPI driver api.


#include <rtthread.h>
#include <rtdevice.h>
#define W25Q_SPI_DEVICE_NAME "qspi10"
static void spi_w25q_sample(int argc, char *argv[])
struct rt_spi_device *spi_dev_w25q;
char name[RT_NAME_MAX];
rt_uint8_t w25x_read_id = 0x90;
rt_uint8_t id[5] = {0};
if (argc == 2)
rt_strncpy(name, argv[1], RT_NAME_MAX);
rt_strncpy(name, W25Q_SPI_DEVICE_NAME, RT_NAME_MAX);
// 查找 spi 设备获取设备句柄
spi_dev_w25q = (struct rt_spi_device *)rt_device_find(name);
if (!spi_dev_w25q)
rt_kprintf("spi sample run failed! can't find %s device!\n", name);
// 方式1:使用 rt_spi_send_then_recv()发送命令读取ID
rt_spi_send_then_recv(spi_dev_w25q, &w25x_read_id, 1, id, 5);
rt_kprintf("use rt_spi_send_then_recv() read w25q ID is:%x%x\n", id[3], id[4]);
// 方式2:使用 rt_spi_transfer_message()发送命令读取ID
struct rt_spi_message msg1, msg2;
msg1.send_buf = &w25x_read_id;
msg1.recv_buf = RT_NULL;
msg1.length = 1;
msg1.cs_take = 1;
msg1.cs_release = 0;
msg1.next = &msg2;
msg2.send_buf = RT_NULL;
msg2.recv_buf = id;
msg2.length = 5;
msg2.cs_take = 0;
msg2.cs_release = 1;
msg2.next = RT_NULL;
rt_spi_transfer_message(spi_dev_w25q, &msg1);
rt_kprintf("use rt_spi_transfer_message() read w25q ID is:%x%x\n", id[3], id[4]);
// 导出到 msh 命令列表中
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(spi_w25q_sample, spi w25q sample);
struct rt_spi_message * rt_spi_transfer_message(struct rt_spi_device *device, struct rt_spi_message *message)
This function transfers a message list to the SPI device.
rt_err_t rt_spi_send_then_recv(struct rt_spi_device *device, const void *send_buf, rt_size_t send_length, void *recv_buf, rt_size_t recv_length)
This function can send data then receive data from SPI device.
#define MSH_CMD_EXPORT(...)
Exports a command to module shell.
Definition finsh.h:151
SPI Virtual BUS, one device must connected to a virtual BUS.
Definition dev_spi.h:217
SPI message structure.
Definition dev_spi.h:141

Macro Definition Documentation


#define RT_SPI_CPHA   (1<<0)

At CPOL=0 the base value of the clock is zero

  • For CPHA=0, data are captured on the clock's rising edge (low->high transition) and data are propagated on a falling edge (high->low clock transition).
  • For CPHA=1, data are captured on the clock's falling edge and data are propagated on a rising edge. At CPOL=1 the base value of the clock is one (inversion of CPOL=0)
  • For CPHA=0, data are captured on clock's falling edge and data are propagated on a rising edge.
  • For CPHA=1, data are captured on clock's rising edge and data are propagated on a falling edge. bit[0]:CPHA, clock phase


#define RT_SPI_CPOL   (1<<1)

bit[1]:CPOL, clock polarity


#define RT_SPI_LSB   (0<<2)

bit[2]: 0-LSB


#define RT_SPI_MSB   (1<<2)

bit[2]: 1-MSB


#define RT_SPI_MASTER   (0<<3)

SPI master device


#define RT_SPI_SLAVE   (1<<3)

SPI slave device


#define RT_SPI_CS_HIGH   (1<<4)

Chipselect active high


#define RT_SPI_NO_CS   (1<<5)

No chipselect


#define RT_SPI_3WIRE   (1<<6)

SI/SO pin shared


#define RT_SPI_READY   (1<<7)

Slave pulls low to pause


#define RT_SPI_MODE_0   (0 | 0)

CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0


#define RT_SPI_MODE_1   (0 | RT_SPI_CPHA)

CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1


#define RT_SPI_MODE_2   (RT_SPI_CPOL | 0)

CPOL = 1, CPHA = 0



CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1

Function Documentation

◆ rt_spi_bus_register()

rt_err_t rt_spi_bus_register ( struct rt_spi_bus * bus,
const char * name,
const struct rt_spi_ops * ops )

register a SPI bus

busthe SPI bus
namethe name of SPI bus
opsthe operations of SPI bus
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_spi_bus_attach_device()

rt_err_t rt_spi_bus_attach_device ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
const char * name,
const char * bus_name,
void * user_data )

attach a device on SPI bus

devicethe SPI device
namethe name of SPI device
bus_namethe name of SPI bus
user_datathe user data of SPI device
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_spi_bus_attach_device_cspin()

rt_err_t rt_spi_bus_attach_device_cspin ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
const char * name,
const char * bus_name,
rt_base_t cs_pin,
void * user_data )

attach a device on SPI bus with CS pin

devicethe SPI device
namethe name of SPI device
bus_namethe name of SPI bus
cs_pinthe CS pin of SPI device
user_datathe user data of SPI device
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_spi_bus_configure()

rt_err_t rt_spi_bus_configure ( struct rt_spi_device * device)

Reconfigure the SPI bus for the specified device.

devicePointer to the SPI device attached to the SPI bus.
Return values
RT_EOKif the SPI device was successfully released and the bus was configured. RT_EBUSY if the SPI bus is currently in use; the new configuration will take effect once the device releases the bus. Other return values indicate failure to configure the SPI bus due to various reasons.
If the configuration of the SPI device has been updated and requires bus re-initialization, call this function directly. This function will reconfigure the SPI bus for the specified device. If this is the first time to initialize the SPI device, please call rt_spi_configure or rt_qspi_configure. This function is used to reconfigure the SPI bus when the SPI device is already in use. For further details, refer to: https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/pull/8528

◆ rt_spi_take_bus()

rt_err_t rt_spi_take_bus ( struct rt_spi_device * device)

This function takes SPI bus.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
RT_EOK on taken SPI bus successfully. others on taken SPI bus failed.

◆ rt_spi_release_bus()

rt_err_t rt_spi_release_bus ( struct rt_spi_device * device)

This function releases SPI bus.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
RT_EOK on release SPI bus successfully.

◆ rt_spi_take()

rt_err_t rt_spi_take ( struct rt_spi_device * device)

This function take SPI device (takes CS of SPI device).

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
RT_EOK on release SPI bus successfully. others on taken SPI bus failed.

◆ rt_spi_release()

rt_err_t rt_spi_release ( struct rt_spi_device * device)

This function releases SPI device (releases CS of SPI device).

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
RT_EOK on release SPI device successfully.

◆ rt_spi_configure()

rt_err_t rt_spi_configure ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
struct rt_spi_configuration * cfg )

This function can set configuration on SPI device.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
cfgthe configuration pointer.
Return values
RT_EOKon release SPI device successfully. RT_EBUSY is not an error condition and the configuration will take effect once the device has the bus others on taken SPI bus failed.

◆ rt_spi_send_then_recv()

rt_err_t rt_spi_send_then_recv ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
const void * send_buf,
rt_size_t send_length,
void * recv_buf,
rt_size_t recv_length )

This function can send data then receive data from SPI device.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
send_bufthe buffer to be transmitted to SPI device.
send_lengththe number of data to be transmitted.
recv_bufthe buffer to be recivied from SPI device.
recv_lengththe data to be recivied.
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_spi_send_then_send()

rt_err_t rt_spi_send_then_send ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
const void * send_buf1,
rt_size_t send_length1,
const void * send_buf2,
rt_size_t send_length2 )

This function can send data then send data from SPI device.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
send_buf1the buffer to be transmitted to SPI device.
send_length1the number of data to be transmitted.
send_buf2the buffer to be transmitted to SPI device.
send_length2the number of data to be transmitted.
the status of transmit.

◆ rt_spi_transfer()

rt_ssize_t rt_spi_transfer ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
const void * send_buf,
void * recv_buf,
rt_size_t length )

This function transmits data to SPI device.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
send_bufthe buffer to be transmitted to SPI device.
recv_bufthe buffer to save received data from SPI device.
lengththe length of transmitted data.
the actual length of transmitted.

◆ rt_spi_sendrecv8()

rt_err_t rt_spi_sendrecv8 ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
rt_uint8_t senddata,
rt_uint8_t * recvdata )

The SPI device transmits 8 bytes of data.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
senddatasend data buffer
recvdatareceive data buffer
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_spi_sendrecv16()

rt_err_t rt_spi_sendrecv16 ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
rt_uint16_t senddata,
rt_uint16_t * recvdata )

The SPI device transmits 16 bytes of data.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
senddatasend data buffer
recvdatareceive data buffer
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_spi_transfer_message()

struct rt_spi_message * rt_spi_transfer_message ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
struct rt_spi_message * message )

This function transfers a message list to the SPI device.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
messagethe message list to be transmitted to SPI device
RT_NULL if transmits message list successfully, SPI message which be transmitted failed.

◆ rt_spi_recv()

rt_inline rt_size_t rt_spi_recv ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
void * recv_buf,
rt_size_t length )

This function receives data from SPI device.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
recv_bufthe buffer to be recivied from SPI device.
lengththe data to be recivied.
the actual length of received.

◆ rt_spi_send()

rt_inline rt_size_t rt_spi_send ( struct rt_spi_device * device,
const void * send_buf,
rt_size_t length )

This function sends data to SPI device.

devicethe SPI device attached to SPI bus
send_bufthe buffer to be transmitted to SPI device.
lengththe number of data to be transmitted.
the actual length of send.

◆ rt_spi_message_append()

rt_inline void rt_spi_message_append ( struct rt_spi_message * list,
struct rt_spi_message * message )

This function appends a message to the SPI message list.

listthe SPI message list header.
messagethe message pointer to be appended to the message list.

◆ rt_qspi_configure()

rt_err_t rt_qspi_configure ( struct rt_qspi_device * device,
struct rt_qspi_configuration * cfg )

This function can set configuration on QSPI device.

devicethe QSPI device attached to QSPI bus.
cfgthe configuration pointer.
the actual length of transmitted.

◆ rt_qspi_bus_register()

rt_err_t rt_qspi_bus_register ( struct rt_spi_bus * bus,
const char * name,
const struct rt_spi_ops * ops )

This function can register a SPI bus for QSPI mode.

busthe SPI bus for QSPI mode.
nameThe name of the spi bus.
opsthe SPI bus instance to be registered.
the actual length of transmitted.

◆ rt_qspi_transfer_message()

rt_size_t rt_qspi_transfer_message ( struct rt_qspi_device * device,
struct rt_qspi_message * message )

This function transmits data to QSPI device.

devicethe QSPI device attached to QSPI bus.
messagethe message pointer.
the actual length of transmitted.

◆ rt_qspi_send_then_recv()

rt_err_t rt_qspi_send_then_recv ( struct rt_qspi_device * device,
const void * send_buf,
rt_size_t send_length,
void * recv_buf,
rt_size_t recv_length )

This function can send data then receive data from QSPI device.

devicethe QSPI device attached to QSPI bus.
send_bufthe buffer to be transmitted to QSPI device.
send_lengththe number of data to be transmitted.
recv_bufthe buffer to be recivied from QSPI device.
recv_lengththe data to be recivied.
the status of transmit.

◆ rt_qspi_send()

rt_err_t rt_qspi_send ( struct rt_qspi_device * device,
const void * send_buf,
rt_size_t length )

This function can send data to QSPI device.

devicethe QSPI device attached to QSPI bus.
send_bufthe buffer to be transmitted to QSPI device.
lengththe number of data to be transmitted.
the status of transmit.