RT-Thread RTOS
An open source embedded real-time operating system
No Matches
+ Collaboration diagram for PWM:

Data Structures

struct  rt_pwm_configuration
struct  rt_pwm_ops
struct  rt_device_pwm


rt_err_t rt_device_pwm_register (struct rt_device_pwm *device, const char *name, const struct rt_pwm_ops *ops, const void *user_data)
rt_err_t rt_pwm_enable (struct rt_device_pwm *device, int channel)
rt_err_t rt_pwm_disable (struct rt_device_pwm *device, int channel)
rt_err_t rt_pwm_set (struct rt_device_pwm *device, int channel, rt_uint32_t period, rt_uint32_t pulse)
rt_err_t rt_pwm_set_period (struct rt_device_pwm *device, int channel, rt_uint32_t period)
rt_err_t rt_pwm_set_pulse (struct rt_device_pwm *device, int channel, rt_uint32_t pulse)
rt_err_t rt_pwm_set_dead_time (struct rt_device_pwm *device, int channel, rt_uint32_t dead_time)
rt_err_t rt_pwm_set_phase (struct rt_device_pwm *device, int channel, rt_uint32_t phase)

Detailed Description

PWM driver api.


#include <rtthread.h>
#include <rtdevice.h>
#define PWM_DEV_NAME "pwm3" // PWM设备名称
#define PWM_DEV_CHANNEL 4 // PWM通道
struct rt_device_pwm *pwm_dev; // PWM设备句柄
static int pwm_led_sample(int argc, char *argv[])
rt_uint32_t period, pulse, dir;
period = 500000; // 周期为0.5ms,单位为纳秒ns
dir = 1; // PWM脉冲宽度值的增减方向
pulse = 0; // PWM脉冲宽度值,单位为纳秒ns
// 查找设备
pwm_dev = (struct rt_device_pwm *)rt_device_find(PWM_DEV_NAME);
if (pwm_dev == RT_NULL)
rt_kprintf("pwm sample run failed! can't find %s device!\n", PWM_DEV_NAME);
return -RT_ERROR;
// 设置PWM周期和脉冲宽度默认值
rt_pwm_set(pwm_dev, PWM_DEV_CHANNEL, period, pulse);
// 使能设备
rt_pwm_enable(pwm_dev, PWM_DEV_CHANNEL);
while (1)
if (dir)
pulse += 5000; // 从0值开始每次增加5000ns
pulse -= 5000; // 从最大值开始每次减少5000ns
if (pulse >= period)
dir = 0;
if (0 == pulse)
dir = 1;
// 设置PWM周期和脉冲宽度
rt_pwm_set(pwm_dev, PWM_DEV_CHANNEL, period, pulse);
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(pwm_led_sample, pwm sample);
rt_err_t rt_pwm_enable(struct rt_device_pwm *device, int channel)
enable the PWM channel
rt_err_t rt_pwm_set(struct rt_device_pwm *device, int channel, rt_uint32_t period, rt_uint32_t pulse)
set the PWM channel
rt_err_t rt_thread_mdelay(rt_int32_t ms)
This function will let current thread delay for some milliseconds.
Definition thread.c:754
#define MSH_CMD_EXPORT(...)
Exports a command to module shell.
Definition finsh.h:151
PWM device.
Definition dev_pwm.h:131

Function Documentation

◆ rt_device_pwm_register()

rt_err_t rt_device_pwm_register ( struct rt_device_pwm * device,
const char * name,
const struct rt_pwm_ops * ops,
const void * user_data )

register a PWM device

devicethe PWM device
namethe name of PWM device
opsthe operations of PWM device
user_datathe user data of PWM device
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_pwm_enable()

rt_err_t rt_pwm_enable ( struct rt_device_pwm * device,
int channel )

enable the PWM channel

devicethe PWM device
channelthe channel of PWM
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_pwm_disable()

rt_err_t rt_pwm_disable ( struct rt_device_pwm * device,
int channel )

disable the PWM channel

devicethe PWM device
channelthe channel of PWM
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_pwm_set()

rt_err_t rt_pwm_set ( struct rt_device_pwm * device,
int channel,
rt_uint32_t period,
rt_uint32_t pulse )

set the PWM channel

devicethe PWM device
channelthe channel of PWM
periodthe period of PWM
pulsethe pulse of PWM
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_pwm_set_period()

rt_err_t rt_pwm_set_period ( struct rt_device_pwm * device,
int channel,
rt_uint32_t period )

set the PWM channel period

devicethe PWM device
channelthe channel of PWM
periodthe period of PWM
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_pwm_set_pulse()

rt_err_t rt_pwm_set_pulse ( struct rt_device_pwm * device,
int channel,
rt_uint32_t pulse )

set the PWM channel pulse

devicethe PWM device
channelthe channel of PWM
pulsethe period of PWM
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_pwm_set_dead_time()

rt_err_t rt_pwm_set_dead_time ( struct rt_device_pwm * device,
int channel,
rt_uint32_t dead_time )

set the dead zone time of PWM

devicethe PWM device
channelthe channel of PWM
dead_timedead zone time
rt_err_t error code

◆ rt_pwm_set_phase()

rt_err_t rt_pwm_set_phase ( struct rt_device_pwm * device,
int channel,
rt_uint32_t phase )

set the phase of PWM

devicethe PWM device
channelthe channel of PWM
rt_err_t error code