RT-Thread RTOS
An open source embedded real-time operating system
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+ Collaboration diagram for File POSIX API:


int open (const char *file, int flags,...)
int openat (int dirfd, const char *path, int flag,...)
int creat (const char *path, mode_t mode)
int close (int fd)
ssize_t read (int fd, void *buf, size_t len)
ssize_t write (int fd, const void *buf, size_t len)
off_t lseek (int fd, off_t offset, int whence)
int rename (const char *old_file, const char *new_file)
int unlink (const char *pathname)
int stat (const char *file, struct stat *buf)
int fstat (int fildes, struct stat *buf)
int fsync (int fildes)
int fcntl (int fildes, int cmd,...)
int ioctl (int fildes, int cmd,...)
int ftruncate (int fd, off_t length)
int statfs (const char *path, struct statfs *buf)
int fstatfs (int fildes, struct statfs *buf)
int mkdir (const char *path, mode_t mode)
int rmdir (const char *pathname)
DIR * opendir (const char *name)
struct dirent * readdir (DIR *d)
long telldir (DIR *d)
void seekdir (DIR *d, long offset)
void rewinddir (DIR *d)
int closedir (DIR *d)
int access (const char *path, int amode)
void setcwd (char *buf)
char * getcwd (char *buf, size_t size)
ssize_t pread (int fd, void *buf, size_t len, off_t offset)
ssize_t pwrite (int fd, const void *buf, size_t len, off_t offset)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ open()

int open ( const char * file,
int flags,
... )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will open a file and return a file descriptor according specified flags.

filethe path name of file.
flagsthe file open flags. Common values include:
  • Access modes (mutually exclusive):
    • O_RDONLY: Open for read-only access.
    • O_WRONLY: Open for write-only access.
    • O_RDWR: Open for both reading and writing.
  • File status flags (can be combined with bitwise OR |):
    • O_CREAT: Create the file if it does not exist. Requires a mode argument.
    • O_TRUNC: Truncate the file to zero length if it already exists.
    • O_APPEND: Append writes to the end of the file.
    • O_EXCL: Ensure that O_CREAT creates the file exclusively.
    • Other platform-specific flags
the non-negative integer on successful open, others for failed.

◆ openat()

int openat ( int dirfd,
const char * path,
int flag,
... )

Opens a file relative to a directory file descriptor.

dirfdThe file descriptor of the directory to base the relative path on.
pathThe path to the file to be opened, relative to the directory specified by dirfd. Can be an absolute path (in which case dirfd is ignored).
flagFile access and status flags (e.g., O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_CREAT).
On success, returns a new file descriptor for the opened file. On failure, returns -1 and sets errno to indicate the error.
When using relative paths, ensure dirfd is a valid directory descriptor. When pathname is absolute, the dirfd argument is ignored.

◆ creat()

int creat ( const char * path,
mode_t mode )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will create a new file or rewrite an existing one

paththe path name of file.
modethe file permission bits to be used in creating the file (not used, can be 0)
the non-negative integer on successful open, others for failed.

◆ close()

int close ( int fd)

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will close the open file descriptor.

fdthe file descriptor.
0 on successful, -1 on failed.

◆ read()

ssize_t read ( int fd,
void * buf,
size_t len )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will read specified data buffer length for an open file descriptor.

fdthe file descriptor.
bufthe buffer to save the read data.
lenthe maximal length of data buffer
the actual read data buffer length. If the returned value is 0, it may be reach the end of file, please check errno.

◆ write()

ssize_t write ( int fd,
const void * buf,
size_t len )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will write specified data buffer length for an open file descriptor.

fdthe file descriptor
bufthe data buffer to be written.
lenthe data buffer length.
the actual written data buffer length.

◆ lseek()

off_t lseek ( int fd,
off_t offset,
int whence )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will Reposition the file offset for an open file descriptor.

The lseek function sets the file offset for the file descriptor fd to a new value, determined by the offset and whence parameters. It can be used to seek to specific positions in a file for reading or writing.

fdthe file descriptor.
offsetThe offset, in bytes, to set the file position. The meaning of offset depends on the value of whence.
whencethe directive of seek. It can be one of:
  • SEEK_SET: Set the offset to offset bytes from the beginning of the file.
  • SEEK_CUR: Set the offset to its current location plus offset bytes.
  • SEEK_END: Set the offset to the size of the file plus offset bytes.
the resulting read/write position in the file, or -1 on failed.

◆ rename()

int rename ( const char * old_file,
const char * new_file )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will rename old file name to new file name.

old_filethe old file name.
new_filethe new file name.
0 on successful, -1 on failed.

note: the old and new file name must be belong to a same file system.

◆ unlink()

int unlink ( const char * pathname)

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will unlink (remove) a specified path file from file system.

pathnamethe specified path name to be unlinked.
0 on successful, -1 on failed.

◆ stat()

int stat ( const char * file,
struct stat * buf )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will get file information.

filethe file name
bufthe data buffer to save stat description.
0 on successful, -1 on failed.

◆ fstat()

int fstat ( int fildes,
struct stat * buf )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will get file status.

fildesthe file description
bufthe data buffer to save stat description.
0 on successful, -1 on failed.

◆ fsync()

int fsync ( int fildes)

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which shall request that all data for the open file descriptor named by fildes is to be transferred to the storage device associated with the file described by fildes.

fildesthe file description
0 on successful completion. Otherwise, -1 shall be returned and errno set to indicate the error.

◆ fcntl()

int fcntl ( int fildes,
int cmd,
... )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which shall perform a variety of control functions on devices.

fildesthe file description
cmdthe specified command, Common values include:
  • F_DUPFD: Duplicate a file descriptor.
  • F_GETFD: Get the file descriptor flags.
  • F_SETFD: Set the file descriptor flags.
  • F_GETFL: Get the file status flags.
  • F_SETFL: Set the file status flags.
...represents the additional information that is needed by this specific device to perform the requested function. For example:
  • When cmd is F_SETFL, an additional integer argument specifies the new status flags.
0 on successful completion. Otherwise, -1 shall be returned and errno set to indicate the error.

◆ ioctl()

int ioctl ( int fildes,
int cmd,
... )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which shall perform a variety of control functions on devices.

fildesthe file description
cmdthe specified command
...represents the additional information that is needed by this specific device to perform the requested function.
0 on successful completion. Otherwise, -1 shall be returned and errno set to indicate the error.

◆ ftruncate()

int ftruncate ( int fd,
off_t length )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which cause the regular file referenced by fd to be truncated to a size of precisely length bytes.

fdthe file descriptor.
lengththe length to be truncated.
Upon successful completion, ftruncate() shall return 0; otherwise, -1 shall be returned and errno set to indicate the error.

◆ statfs()

int statfs ( const char * path,
struct statfs * buf )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will return the information about a mounted file system.

paththe path which mounted file system.
bufthe buffer to save the returned information.
0 on successful, others on failed.

◆ fstatfs()

int fstatfs ( int fildes,
struct statfs * buf )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will return the information about a mounted file system.

fildesthe file description.
bufthe buffer to save the returned information.
0 on successful, others on failed.

◆ mkdir()

int mkdir ( const char * path,
mode_t mode )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will make a directory

paththe directory path to be made.
modeThe permission mode for the new directory (unused here, can be set to 0).
0 on successful, others on failed.

◆ rmdir()

int rmdir ( const char * pathname)

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will remove a directory.

pathnamethe path name to be removed.
0 on successful, others on failed.

◆ opendir()

DIR * opendir ( const char * name)

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will open a directory.

namethe path name to be open.
the DIR pointer of directory, NULL on open directory failed.

◆ readdir()

struct dirent * readdir ( DIR * d)

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will return a pointer to a dirent structure representing the next directory entry in the directory stream.

dthe directory stream pointer.
the next directory entry, NULL on the end of directory or failed.

◆ telldir()

long telldir ( DIR * d)

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will return current location in directory stream.

dthe directory stream pointer.
the current location in directory stream.

◆ seekdir()

void seekdir ( DIR * d,
long offset )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will set position of next directory structure in the directory stream.

dthe directory stream.
offsetthe offset in directory stream.

◆ rewinddir()

void rewinddir ( DIR * d)

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will reset directory stream.

dthe directory stream.

◆ closedir()

int closedir ( DIR * d)

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will close a directory stream.

dthe directory stream.
0 on successful, -1 on failed.

◆ access()

int access ( const char * path,
int amode )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which shall check the file named by the pathname pointed to by the path argument for accessibility according to the bit pattern contained in amode.

paththe specified file/dir path.
amodethe value is either the bitwise-inclusive OR of the access permissions to be checked (R_OK, W_OK, X_OK) or the existence test (F_OK).

◆ setcwd()

void setcwd ( char * buf)

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will set current working directory.

bufthe current directory.

◆ getcwd()

char * getcwd ( char * buf,
size_t size )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will return current working directory.

bufthe returned current directory.
sizethe buffer size.
the returned current directory.

◆ pread()

ssize_t pread ( int fd,
void * buf,
size_t len,
off_t offset )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will read specified data buffer length for an open file descriptor.

fdthe file descriptor.
bufthe buffer to save the read data.
lenthe maximal length of data buffer
offsetthe file pos
the actual read data buffer length. If the returned value is 0, it may be reach the end of file, please check errno.

◆ pwrite()

ssize_t pwrite ( int fd,
const void * buf,
size_t len,
off_t offset )

this function is a POSIX compliant version, which will write specified data buffer length for an open file descriptor.

fdthe file descriptor
bufthe data buffer to be written.
lenthe data buffer length.
offsetthe file pos
the actual written data buffer length.